Care Fees – Care Home Costs

Many people of a certain age are concerned about this issue, to the point where they are making decisions to alter or adapt their plans in the hope they will avoid having homes seized, sold and the money raised used to fund care.

Bearing that in mind there are now many hundreds of ‘bad guys’ out there who are selling ‘care home fees avoidance‘ packages. Nearly all of these I’ve seen won’t work, don’t work and are an expensive ‘doorstep’ purchase.

Now, there are somethings you can do, however Asset Protection plans will not work for you. If you’ve been sold one of these you should act now in order to claim a refund of your costs and unwind the whole thing.

If you are worried about this area of planning, read this report first and do not act on any ‘doorstep’ seller.

The report is below, no charge. When you are ready for some guidance on this area of your planning you’d better get in touch. I offer a money back guarantee on all work, not happy don’t pay, run a number of workshops across the county, which are free or low cost.

But don’t, really don’t buy any doorstep asset protection trust before reading this free guide.

Care Fees Planning – 2018 Report

You can contact me here


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