Personal Financial Planning

Over the past twenty years or so more and more have been forced to make long term decisions about our pensions, investments and other savings.

That meant making sure you had enough cash for a rainy day  or had enough in your pension to last through old age. Ever since Mrs Thatcher and later governments started to fiddle…

  • Fiddling with the pensions system
  • Fiddling with the housing market
  • Fiddling with financial advice
  • Fiddling with regulation
  • Fiddling with taxation

The problem is, none of the fiddling has been good for you. Since 1988 there have been a dozen or more financial regulators, and some of them you may even have heard of

FCA – the current lot, FSA- the lot before, PIA – before the FSA, and then the likes of SIB, Lautro, Fimbra. Every time a change of government arrives it seems we get a change of regulator.  

Every change of regulator has failed to stop mis-selling and refused to get involved with insurance companies and investment houses that over charge and never deliver.

Over 70% of investment funds in UK don’t outperform, great if you pick a good one. But most investment professionals don’t seem to be able to pick one  – 15 years ago I helped develop a method of investing that guaranteed to perform well no matter what funds were selected, but more on that later.

It’s the same for Pensions – every couple of years a change of rules means everything changes and please don’t ask about the State Pension.  If you are  30 in 2015 you will be lucky to get a pension from the state when you are 68.

The problems don’t end there!


More and more high street firms are being fined or forced into making historical reviews into the advice provided – I have been involved in several of these reviews and can assure you that some of things that went on are pretty ugly.

The need for top quality and accurate financial advice has never been needed like has in the past. – during the 1950’s and 60’s everyone had jobs with decent final salary pension schemes and most rented.  The need to plan finances was never there.

But now in 2015 there is a big problem. Financial advice is getting harder to find, and in the main has been pretty poor quality.

The effect of financial regulation has not stopped mis-selling or the banks continuing to rip off consumers but there is no need for me to outline this for you here. You know what the deal is.

Further, regulation has not forced fund managers or insurance companies to improve investment returns or reduce the costs to you the consumer.

Most insurance company investments have returned just enough, and as for ISA funds these have been just as dire many only just returning enough to  cover their own charges during recent years.

Don’t even think about pensions. Even the Governments flagship NEST scheme lost over £1,000,000 to fraud. And then said it was nothing to worry about!

Getting access to accurate and truly independent financial information and guidance has never been harder to get, yet the information required to plan and execute your financial plans has never been easier.

In the most recent ten years there has been a large number of options for savers and investors and most of these are hated by the investment/savings industry. Why/

Because they allow you access to low cost and high performing products and investments that cut out the middle man and pass the benefits back to you.

Let me explain.

It’s possible to invest cash deposits and get double the rate or return by making  a small  change.

It’s possible to get 20% better returns on your pensions investments using this one tweak.

Your choice of investment funds could guarantee you losses over the next 10 years.

Why a pension could be the worst thing to invest in especially for basic rate tax payers.

This training and education package is available now, we support it with an online forum and unlimited email support to help you get your finances in order.

How Does It Work?

If you understand how a ‘Slimming Club’ works – with regular meetings, how to guides and packs with up to date information. MoneyTrainers is the exactly the same except we deal with showing you how to make money and not weight loss.

Our approach to to help ordinary people do extraordinary things with their finances and we guarantee the results – if you have no money now but want to be financial independent at some stage  the solution is here. Just follow the steps.

These are the same approaches and principles that made Warren Buffet ($72.9b) rich. They are the same basic things that made the Duke of Westminster worth $12.6b – but they have also helped my clients achieve financial independence in their forties.

Whilst you are thinking about that let me tell you about me.

I am a qualified Independent Financial Adviser  and I ceased to be in regular practice in 2010. My wife contracted breast cancer and I had two teenage children.

In the last ten years of my advising I had worked with two MP’s, one Senior ‘City Director and one Hollywood  actor and I realised very quickly that financial plan I had in place for myself was so wrong – bankruptcy was looming.

Despite having done the job for over twenty years I realised my financial plan was completely wrong. With a large chunk of my wealth tied up in pensions with no access for another ten years and another large chunk tied up in property  right in the middle of the credit crunch I was stuck. With at least twelve months of chemo therapy and at least three years of schooling left I was  in dire straights financially.

All because I had followed a well worn plan that millions of consumers had been convinced was the very best plan you could have, and I was the evidence that proved it was wrong.

Over the last four years I have been working on a couple of alternative financial plans, that ensure

  • Full control by you
  • Have complete flexibility
  • Have extremely low charges
  • Can be put in place by anyone that can follow simple steps    
  • These alternative plans means you are in full control no matter what happens.


At the same time I started to look at the kind of financial plans used by

Warren Buffet

The Duke of Westminster

and many others.

What I learned was that these people don’t consult financial advisers because they already have something that is far superior.

Something I have managed to decode and simplify, and wrap it up in a tax efficient but flexible way. The goods news is that this training and knowledge is now being made available to you.

You know that if you want to lost weight  all you need to do is eat less and exercise more  and if you want to make a financial plan that works you need to take a couple of simple steps. It’s these steps that are covered in this training.

1. How to transform your finances this week.

2. Simple hacks to improve your wealth.

3. Cashflow – the life blood of any plan.

4. Investing at no or little cost.

5. Making a long term plan without struggling.

6. Adapting this plan to suit your current circumstances, ill health, retiring early or divorce are simply fitted in.


Everything in this training works and is proven to work. No chances, no maybe it will, just follow the steps and take the action.

Along the way we help you and guide you with more training coming, we show you how to find the information you need and provide access to experts in their fields coving legal and trust planning for those that need it.

Quite simply all you need to grow your own riches using proven techniques and information along with the best of breed products and guidance.  Really this is the information the financial industry does not want you to have.

You are probably wondering what do you get.

We know you want to get a major result from our work together so we provide a range of dedicated resources.

  • Online training to digest at your leisure – all very easy.
  • Technical help from our experts.
  • Access to our research and best buy list.
  • Tools, tips and tricks created by us.
  • Weekly content.
  • Skype /Google Hangouts conference calls – all closed group.
  • One to one guidance where required.
  • Ask a Solicitor/ Ask a product specialist about your existing plans

All of the tools you need to manage your own financial plan – guaranteed.

You can join today by clicking the link below. The regular price is £20 per 30 day period however you can trial the service for £1.00


This financial education covers everything you need to know in order to manage your own finances and is based on the following fact. If someone tells you what they have done for you – nothing changes. By learning how money works, and combining that with some hacks and tricks, and then knowing how to take advantage of ultra low cost platforms  it is possible for to win without the use of an adviser.Let me ask you this question. Is your current financial adviser making you wealthy at the lowest possible cost? If the answer is no then you need what MoneyTrainers  has to offer.We have a 100% no quibble guarantee on all our services and training. If for any reason you feel this is not working for you just let us know. Your money is safe and secured by Paypal our payment processors.

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