With the Solar Feed in Tariffs changing and the industry hell bent on starting a fight with the government what are your options?
Certainly the tariffs offered are going to be reducing come what may as the government is not happy about the overall cost and concerned that the industry was doing better from them than the consumers. So we can expect more change to come on this score.
The key is that from an environmental standpoint they make a lot of sense, and for many homeowners having these panels installed makes some sense.
Based on our calculations (taking into account the newly changed tariff – post April 2012) you should be facing about 9 years before the system will produce a profit.
This assumption is made based on electricity prices remaining the same over the coming couple of years which of course is unlikely.
From a financial planning perspective having Solar PV panels installed on your roof may be one of the best investments you could make in the coming couple of years, not only that but perfect for our environment too.