You Wanna Be Rich – do this.

Don’t bother sitting down with a financial adviser and ask the normal questions, how can I improve my wealth, which fund should I invest in to make the most of my investments?

None of these will work for you.

It’s the basics that make the difference, just ask any rich person.

  1. Get good at something people want.
  2. Make a business out of it.
  3. Spend less than you earn (pay yourself at least ten percent of income)
  4. Invest the rest in the Stock Market (Income ETF’s)
  5. Asset allocate your investments.
  6. Don’t rack up debt.

Repeat the above. Fingers crossed you should be financially independent in around twenty years.

If anyone tells you any different they are talking rubbish.

You’ll note.

  • There is no mention of pensions
  • There is no mention anything complicated
  • There is no mention of needing an adviser
  • There is no mention anything you don’t understand

Financial plans made simple.

When you’re ready to implement, get in touch or Borrow my Brain



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